ASSIST’s Capabilities and Features for Parents and Students

Parents can keep up with their student’s educational activities through the ASSIST platform. Here they can access their student’s grades and schedules, view the activity calendar, receive messages, and access resources that have been shared with them.
Students can take charge of their own educational experience through the ASSIST portal. They can access their classes, schedule, and Individualized Learning Plan, view unofficial transcripts, and access any resources or communications that have been shared with them.


ASSIST FOR PARENTS AND STUDENTS- online learning platform for educators
ASSIST FOR PARENTS AND STUDENTS- online learning platform for educators
ASSIST FOR PARENTS AND STUDENTS- online learning platform for students
Communication Log
Communication between school, parents, and students is logged, tracked, and searchable for easy access to information at all times.
Student Portal
Special access to records, unofficial transcripts, communications with teachers, and more gives every student a chance to take ownership of their educational path.
Parent Portal

Parents can eliminate surprises by keeping up to date on their child’s progress and communicate with teachers, staff and administrators through the ASSIST Parent Portal.

Instant Access to Information
Grades, attendance, behavior infractions, school activities calendar, and upcoming assignments and tests are readily available via the Parent Portal. Parents can eliminate surprises by keeping up to date on their child’s progress.
Increased Communication
Parents are able to email teachers and administrative staff from ASSIST. Communication between school, parents, and students is logged and is searchable for easy access to information at all times.
24/7 Data
Students are able to view their grades and student information at any time. Keep up to date with your progress in courses, missed assignments, and attendance alerts. ASSIST gives students the opportunity to take ownership of their educational path.
Path to Graduation
With ASSIST’s one of a kind Individualized Learning Plan, students are able to see their road map to graduation. The ability to see progress along this path will increase student success and schools’ graduation rates.
Students are able to sync their school calendar to their phone. Never miss a school activity or an important assignment!
Customizable Alerts
Parents can set up email or text notifications. Notifications can be customized for attendance, grades, resources, communication, and school activities.

Stanford and many other amazing schools have accepted our students.

Texas A&M and many other amazing schools have accepted our students.

Harvard and many other amazing schools have accepted our students.